Family Portraits || Fort Collins, Colorado

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.  - Anaïs Nin

I don't know what it's like to have one child- and I can only imagine what it's like to have two under the age of two at one time, but this is love.  This is courage.  This is life.  

Getting to spend time with this family made me wish I had these snuggle muffins around all the time to hang out with.  These kiddos are so sweet and so inquisitive, and their moms are so happy and so loving, and while I'm sure it's exhausting to have a house full of energy that is two toddlers, I'm certain it's worth every second. 

We started with a casual fireside shoot in coordinating diapers, which turned into wiggle-fest blanket-crinkle-time, as things often do with babies.  Everyone then changed into their superhero pajamas for the family formals which even the dog stuck her head in for, and then hair was combed and outfits donned for an attempt at some outdoor photographs- but in the end happiness was achieved when the oldest could take off his shirt and the youngest could put some grass in her mouth.  It couldn't have worked out any better.  

I hope to get to photograph these little ones again soon because goshdarnit kids change so fast, and I can't wait to see who these littles grow up into with such awesome moms.